lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

What do lovebirds, a barcode and a lonely sock monkey have in common?

What do lovebirds, a barcode and a lonely sock monkey have in common?: "

Sock Monkey Just Wants a Friend

Any guesses? They are all new Threadless Especial graphics at Blik. You’ll remember that last month, we relaunched our Threadless line as Threadlesss Especial, a curated collection of Threadless graphics handpicked by both Blik and Threadless.

Today, we’ve got three fun graphics for your wall hanging pleasure. Sock Monkey Just Wants a Friend is a mash-up of Godzilla and a confused sock monkey who’s just looking for a little attention. To Scan a Forest proves that barcodes are everywhere – even in nature. And Lovebirds is a sweet, simple design that will warm your heart.

All three designs are available at Blik today. And if you like the designs, don’t forgot to pop over to Threadless to see the matching tees.


To Scan a Forest


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